Workforce Development Resources


Are you looking for online training resources for your employees? This could be the perfect solution! Give them the opportunity to learn GD&T while at the machine, or offer a mechanical aptitude test as part of your vetting process. NTMA-U is an approved education partner for U.S. Department of Labor Approved Apprenticeship Programs.

This great resource is only available to NTMA members.


Mechanical Aptitude Test: $25

NTMA-U Course: $100/person

community open houses

We have found that changing the negative perception of manufacturing is only possible when we open our doors and invite the public in! A few opportunities to do so include:

  • Manufacturing Day the first Friday in October. October is Manufacturing month, so a great time to open the doors!

  • Spring Career Exploration invite graduating seniors to a career exploration night.

  • Youth Groups local scout and youth groups are always looking for activities to further education.

As a chapter, the NUNTMA has a variety of resources available to make your event successful!